Valganciclovir 450mg


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The active substance in the composition of Valganciclovir 450mg is valganciclovir. This remedy belongs to the pharmacological class of antiviral agents. It is used in the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in people with HIV, as well as in its prevention in those who have undergone organ transplantation.

Mechanism of action.

Valganciclovir 450mg under the influence of digestive enzymes is metabolized to ganciclovir. This substance effectively inhibits the multiplication of viruses: hepatitis B; herpes; Epstein-Barra; chicken pox; cytomegalovirus.
This effect of ganciclovir is explained by the ability to block the formation of viral DNA.

Protocol of application of the remedy Valganciclovir 450mg

The preparation is available in a tablet form intended for oral taking. Reception of Valganciclovir should be made during a meal. The standard dosage of Valganciclovir is 450 mg (one tablet), which are injected into the patient’s body twice a day. The duration of treatment is three weeks.

Efficacy of Valganciclovir 450mg

In clinical trials it was found that Valganciclovir 450mg therapy almost 8 times reduces the cytomegalovirus release from the body of patients with AIDS. In addition, this remedy statistically significantly reduced the incidence of cytomegalovirus infections and the number of transplant rejections in patients with transplanted organs.

Contraindications of Valganciclovir 450mg:

allergic reactions to Valganciclovir, ganciclovir, acyclovir, and in addition, any other components that make up the Valganciclovir;
patient’s age is less than 12 years;
severe anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia;

It is recommended to use Valganciclovir with caution in the presence of kidney damage.

Interaction Valganciclovir 450mg with other remedies.

Valganciclovir 450mg cannot be administered in combination with imipenem- cilastatin, since there is a high risk of developing convulsive syndrome. In addition, taking of the remedy with pharmacological agents that have a myelosuppressive effect or affect renal function may lead to potentiation of their toxic effect.


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