Geftinat 250mg


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Geftinat 250 mg belongs to the group of selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This drug has anti-tumor and angiogenic properties. Geftinat successfully fights the cancer cells and metastases. The treatment with Geftinat also accelerates the apoptosis of cancer cells. The drug can counter the progress of the disease. Geftinat was approved for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. As researches have shown, compared to Docetaxel, the use of Geftinat provides higher survival rate. Another advantage of the drug is that it is easily tolerated. Test trials revealed that the drug proved particularly effective in the group of non-smoking patients, women and Asian suffering from adenocarcinoma.

Way of use and dosage.

The drug should be taken orally. Recommended dose is 250 mg. The drug should be taken once a day irrespective of the mealtime.

Don’t reduce the intervals between the drug intakes. If you skipped the dose, you should take it if at least 12 hours have left until the next intake.

Before using, the drug can be dissolved in 100 ml of non-carbonated water (the use of other liquids is unacceptable). Put the pill in the water and stir until it’s dissolved. It is not recommended to break the pill.

Older patients, people with kidney dysfunction and moderate/severe liver failure, caused by liver metastasis don’t require the dosage correction.
If the treatment with Geftinat causes severe diarrhea or skin problems, it should be interrupted for a term of up to 14 days. After that, the treatment can be resumed in the previous dose.

N.B. Before starting the treatment with Geftinat 250 mg, you should determine EGFR mutations (epidermal growth factor receptor) in the tumor.

In some cases, the use of Geftinat caused interstitial lung disease (which can be fatal). If such symptoms as cough, shortness of breath and fever appear or increase during the treatment, it should be stopped, and the patient must be examined immediately.

During the treatment with Geftinat 250 mg, you should control the liver function, as the drug can increase the activity of liver transaminases and the level of bilirubin, which in turn can lead to hepatitis and liver failure (even with fatal results). In case of such suspicions, further use of Geftinat is unacceptable.

You should seek medical help, if the use of Geftinat causes vision impairments, severe and prolonged diarrhea, sickness, vomiting and anorexia.


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