Caverta 25

Sildenafil 25mg Tablets by Ranbaxy

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Generic Name:Sildenafil Citrate
Brand Name:Viagra
Indian Brand:Caverta-25
Dosage:25 mg
Packaging:Blister Pack of 4 Tablets
Delivery Time:7 — 21 Days

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The drug Caverta-25 that based on Sildenafil 25 mg was released by the well-known company Ranbaxy Laboratories, which has proved itself in the field of pharmaceutics. This drug is designed to affect the potency, improving its quality and eliminating the alarming symptoms of erectile dysfunction, which can appear in men almost at any time in their reproductive years.

The drug Caverta 25 eliminates such problems as a sufficiently powerful erection, weak sensitivity. Sildenafil does not cause excitation itself, it stimulates the emerging state, which manifests itself as a reaction to the stimulant, which makes it convenient for the normalization of intimate life and does not create such a side effect as an uncontrolled erection. Active substances allow to expand the blood vessels and stimulate intensive blood circulation, which is necessary for express excitation.

Caverta 25 is available in a dosage of Sildenafil 25 mg as the main active ingredient. It is prescribed at the initial stage of erectile dysfunction, and also if the standard dose of 50 mg has a positive effect very quickly.

Sildenafil 25 mg in the tablets Caverta 25 is taken orally and washed down with water. Taking the drug should be 50-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. You can not use more than one pill in a day, it is relevant for both young men and middle-aged people, and for the elderly up to 65 years. Consider the fact that if you combine the drug with the reception of fatty food, then its effect will be slowed down.


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