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Indications for use.

Inlyta 5 mg is a second-line drug (it is used if the first-line treatment was unsuccessful) for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma.

Inlyta is a drug intended for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Axitinib, which is the main component of the drug, has the ability to inhibit protein tyrosine kinase. This mechanism of action leads to a halt in the development of the tumor process by stopping the formation of new vessels and the formation of metastases. The use of the drug allows you to control the tumor process, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

The active substance, due to tyrosine kinase blocking, stops the process of angiogenesis. This effect does not allow the tumor to continue growing and metastasize, due to the lack of trophism. Low survival of the vascular endothelium makes it possible to use the drug as a second line of therapy. In vitro in laboratory conditions the medicine has proved its effectiveness, providing persistent results of a decrease in metastasis.

Moreover, the patients prone to venous thromboembolism should also take Inlyta 5 mg with caution.
The doctor prescribing Inlyta should pay attention to such diseases, as glucose-galactose malabsorption in history (body’s inability to absorb galactose and glucose), lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance and severe kidney dysfunction.
The clinical research of the III phase of Inlyta (axitinib) showed high effectiveness compared to sorafenib. The survival rates (without progress of disease) in the patients receiving axitinib was 43% higher than in patients receiving sorafenib.
Research also confirmed the importance of target therapy of VEGF receptors after the standard therapy with the first-line drug called Sutent (sunitinib).

Instructions for use.

The drug Inlyta 5 mg is intended for the oral intake. The pills can be taken irrespective of the mealtime. You should swallow them with large quantities of water (at least 200 ml).
Initial drug dose is 5 mg twice a day with a 12-hour break between the intakes. If due to the vomiting (or for some other reasons) you skipped the pill, you shouldn’t take the additional dose. Just take the next dose in due time.

The treatment course should be continued until you notice the positive dynamics, or until the patient achieves a high level of toxicity, which can’t be addressed by reducing the dose of axitinib or imposing additional therapeutic measures.

Severe side effects caused by Inlyta 5 mg use, include: pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, venous thromboembolism, bleeding, hypertonic crisis, gastrointestinal perforation and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. The most common adverse reactions were diarrhea, fatigue, hypertension, sickness, lack of appetite, erythrodysesthesia and dysphonia.


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