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Pharmacological action of Viraday.

Viraday is the medicine from India and has a combined composition. This helps to avoid taking of multiple remedies, and also prevents the development of remedy resistance immunodeficiency virus.
The active substances of the remedy Viraday inhibit the formation of new copies of the viral genetic material, and they are effective against the first and second HIV strains. Different mechanisms of action of the three components reduce the probability of insensitivity of the virus to the remedy.

Indications of Viraday.

Viraday is an antiviral agent designed to treat HIV infection. It is prescribed to adult patients who have received prior antiretroviral therapy for at least three months. At the same time in the blood of patients should be low virological resistance – less than 50 RNA copies of the virus in ml.

The drug is prescribed primarily for HIV-1 infection. In the case of ineffectiveness of previous therapy, one of the components of the remedy should determine the viral resistance to each of the active substances. If the virus is insensitive to them, the effectiveness of the remedy will be lower than expected.
Viraday can be used as a monotherapy or in combination with other antiretroviral remedies. The treatment regimen is selected individually by the infectious disease doctor.

How to take the remedy Viraday.

Viraday is usually prescribed one tablet before bedtime, on an empty stomach. This is necessary to reduce the severity of possible side effects. The tablet is covered with a shell, it does not need to be cracked or chewed.

Side effects of Viraday

More than 10% of patients who take this remedy have:
nausea; loose stools; headache and dizziness; insomnia and depression; skin rash.
In more rare cases, patients make such complaints:
palpitation; cough, shortness of breath, runny nose; vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence; pain in the lower back, back, joints and muscles; permanent fatigue, fever.

The remedy can cause toxic damage to the liver and kidneys, so it is administered under strict laboratory control. It is contraindicated for individual intolerance of components, as well as for severe violation of hepatic function (Child-Pugh class C).


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